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About Cupid Love Calculator Game



Cupid Love Calculator calculates the love chances between a man and a woman by matching their names and determine if they are each other's true soulmate. Results are expressed in a percentage to indicate the chances of a successful relationship.

Why use names to calculate love chances?

Your names provide an accurate test for our future love because it is something that truely belong to you and cannot be taken away easily. It is also something that is given to you since birth and reflects your personality and character. Please enter your full names for the most accurate results.

What does the different percentage mean?

25% and below

Fire will never be able to coexist with water and similarly, the chances of love between sworn enemies are impossible. Romeo and Juliet tried and fail. You should never attempt to follow in their tragic footsteps. The love you had is most probably an illusion. Fate has decreed that friendship is your best option due to the large disparity in every aspect of your lives. Be comforted that friendship often lasts much longer than most relationships.

Higher than 25% but below 50%

There is a thin line between love and friendship in your case. This could work out IF both of you put in plenty of effort. Nobody said love is easy and it certainly won't be in your case. You could experience plenty of pain, anguish and unhappiness due to the difficult conditions. Even if you hold on, it might not even work out as the difficult conditions pull you apart. In the event it does work out, the sweetness of hard fought love is incomparable.

Higher than 50% but below 78%

Cupid has hit the right targets this time around. What started as a simple friendship has evolved into love. You could still be unsure of how this love will turn out but so does he/she. Things move slowly but love is something that cannot be rushed. Push too hard and the sparks will turn into flames. The best solution is to move at your own leisurely pace and love will find a way. Remember love is to be enjoyed and not attained!

Higher than 75% but below 100%

There is always something special between the both of you. Bystanders can easily identify a perfect couple and that is what you two are. After all, you share the same interests, same lifestyle as well as the same ideals towards life and love. Love comes naturally and smoothly. Wedding bells awaits for true love!


The gods above has smiled upon the perfect soulmates. It is impossible to live without each other and nothing can separate the both of you. You were meant to live through life as a pair and all the conditions are ripe for love to blossom right from the start. Through good times or bad, in sickness or in health, your love will last through eternity. Cherish the love you have for it is something most people can only look on in envy.

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